When my daughter was two or three I started Lori's Lipsmacking Goodness. I loved that blog. At that time I was a stay at home Mom and desperately in need of a creative outlet and something I could look at and feel a sense of accomplishment. So many years ago. I poured my heart into that blog. There were so many blogs that started at the same time as mine and seemed to sky rocket. My blog, just plugged along. Never reached 'rock star status'. Many times I was bummed by that because it is how I saw myself in the world of professionals after leaving my social work job to stay home with the kids. If my blog failed, it meant I wasn't any good. Boy, was I hard on myself. Many times I thought to leave blogdom, be done with it. But I kept going, thinking that some amazing success would happen with my blog. Something amazing would spring forth. Some company would sign me on as a recipe developer. Or my hits would go up and I would make money doing my blog. Or I would get some free lance gig, reviewing recipes or writing articles about food and of course make money at it. It would reward me as a professional. I always felt this opportunity could be just around the corner if I just hung in there longer. Year after year. I joined cooking clubs, like the Daring Bakers and started a cooking club called Recipes to Rival, but alas that went nowhere.
At some point, probably about three years ago I really wanted to quit my blog. But it had become so much a part of my life and I do like to write and talk about food, I just couldn't let it go. I enjoyed it. At that point I re-framed it all in my mind.
I started to see my blog for something simple. A creative outlet. A place to be able to find recipes I have done over the years in a snap. A journal of my life with food in relations to my parents, husband and children. A place to write stories about my heritage and my heritage in relation to food. Something my children could look back on and enjoy. I let go of all the other dreams I had in relation to the blog. I wasn't really sad about it anymore. I found myself in other ways. I started to quilt. And all that creative energy got funneled in there along with a sense, a personal sense, of accomplishment. All is good.
A new journey has begun. I start this blog with no dreams in mind in relation to my blog but rather a chronicle of how we went from being carnivores, well, really, omnivores to vegan, plant based people. It's not a fad for me. Although I can not speak for my husband I don't believe it is a fad for him either.
The last meat meal I had was Mothers Day of this year, 2017. We had chicken on the grill and I also made shrimp. It was a feast. The day after, it was a plant based life. My husband started the following week after all the grilled chicken was gone.
What was the spark that made me go Vegan... a doctors lecture at a Aging Conference I was at. A very inspirational story that moved me. That inspired a change in me.
Stay tuned for who, what and when on my next post...
At some point, probably about three years ago I really wanted to quit my blog. But it had become so much a part of my life and I do like to write and talk about food, I just couldn't let it go. I enjoyed it. At that point I re-framed it all in my mind.
A new journey has begun. I start this blog with no dreams in mind in relation to my blog but rather a chronicle of how we went from being carnivores, well, really, omnivores to vegan, plant based people. It's not a fad for me. Although I can not speak for my husband I don't believe it is a fad for him either.
What we left behind. |
What was the spark that made me go Vegan... a doctors lecture at a Aging Conference I was at. A very inspirational story that moved me. That inspired a change in me.
Stay tuned for who, what and when on my next post...
What we said hello to. |
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